LTC telegram bot is legit and paying: earn free litecoin on telegram

8:04 PM

Ltc telegram click bot

 Ltc telegram click bot is a telegram faucet bot that pay to perform  some task on telegram. Task like clicking on ads, message bot,joining groups and referrals. Each task as a reward. To claim your reward you click "visit sites" and it will automatically direct you to a websites where you have to stay for 5-10 secounds . You will get rewarded in litecoin. It's minimum payout is 0.0004 Ltc 

It is a money making bot, it is free, all you need to do is to start the bot and you will start earning free litecoin .  Now who can make money with this bots.

  1.  virtually anybody can make money on this bot channel .
  2.  You get to have time visiting this telegram bot at least 7times daily to get high paid.
  3.  Read free telegram litecoin bot solution daily to learn how you will make money faster. Read here
  4. You need to be patience at it is not get rich  quick scheme for example when you join a group you have to stay on that group that is, the group should not be deleted  on your telegram until you have received your reward, it may take one hour, 5hrs, 24hrs, maximum may take 168days which is a week. 

         To know If the site is legit or scam Aaboonets decided to get started on 20th of November 20
19. This is what Aaboonets earn on that day

On the 24th of November Aaboonets has earn 0.00061851 LTC  which is higher than the minimu payout

Aaboonets decided to withdraw to its coinbase wallet,  fortunately it pay  me the next day on the 25th of November 2019

See the transaction confirmation on blockcypher

On this section of aaboonets  income,  Aaboonets shall be showing its readers and users it's daily earnings . See my daily income on aaboonetlitecoinsolution. you can also upload your own or your testimony by sending an email to

                 Visit litecoin telegram bot HERE


         Learn about litecoin and how to start telegram litecoin bot and get paid in your country currency HERE

                        Legit, trusted and secure

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